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Woman II Woman believes that the only way to complete rehabilitation from a lifestyle that led to incarceration is through a relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Our ministry is about showing up for the forgotten, extending ourselves in love, and sharing the tools we have used and continue to use in our own journey of reconciliation and healing. We strive to empower, educate, and energize our community by helping them know and feel that they are worthy of being loved and valued in the Kingdom of God. We believe fully and truly that,  “There is no greater love than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” John 15:13


INTEGRITY: Respect for our community and for oneself in the public eye and behind closed doors is mandatory. 

COMPASSION: Recognizing yourself in someone else’s struggle is how we are able to identify, relate and love those the world has considered irredeemable. 

DISCERNMENT: Allowing ourselves to be completely open to receiving guidance through the Holy Spirit regarding all decision-making.

ENDURANCE: Collectively powering through difficult times without compromising our beliefs or lowering our standards.

COMMITMENT: We bind ourselves to the sincerity and uncompromising goal of  our mission.

ACCOUNTABILITY: We take full responsibility for our actions and choose to allow God and our community to help us accomplish what is good and right and true.


PRODUCTIVITY: Daily doing everything we can for the greater good of the Kingdom.


As a Christian organization, we believe the following statements in relation to the Apostle’s Creed  to be undeniable truths on which we base our daily operations on:


We believe in one God, who is the Creator and Lord of the universe who exists in the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. We believe that Jesus Christ, the Son of God was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born by the Virgin Mary, lived a sinless life, was crucified and died on the cross like a common criminal to pay the ransom for our sins, rose from the dead 3 days later, and ascended to Heaven. We believe rehabilitation, salvation and eternal life are blessings designed for everyone who is a follower and faithful servant of Jesus Christ. 


We believe that the Old and New Testament are God’s authoritative word not to be added to or taken away from and are the absolute truth. 


We believe our lives and actions in themselves are a ministry and the method with which we chose to exercise our commitment to bring others to Christ. 


Through our own rehabilitation, renewal, and restoration through our relationship with Christ we hope to live lives that reflect the love and acceptance the Lord has surrounded us with. We love our community as God loved us through the darkest times of our lives. The fruit of the spirit that we bear is  makrothumia. The love we express is strong, patient and long suffering, because if not us then who?


“There is no greater love than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. “
John 15:13



“Woman II Woman is a community of previously incarcerated women providing resources, education, and support services for system-impacted women. We stand in solidarity with our sisters, being a voice for the voiceless and ensuring them that they are not forgotten.


We champion the rights and welfare of our sisters through advocacy and education, along with providing services for parole suitability hearings, commutation preparation, and one-on-one re-entry support, welcoming women back into the community with dignity and respect through a team who have lived the experience.”



Women’s involvement in the justice system is largely tied to their experiences of male violence resulting in severe PTSD for many of us. A humane justice system must recognize the unique needs of our community and ensure that we are not housed in situations that are triggers for us and completely detrimental to our rehabilitation, mental health and well being .


Women in California’s correctional facilities are subjected to abuse and harassment from every angle. They have been left out of the frame working of legislation that directly affects every aspect of their lives. Everything is prioritized over incarcerated women's mental health and physical well being. We believe everyone should be treated with respect, agency and dignity, and that one community's safety cannot come at the cost of another’s. We know there are ways to ensure all incarcerated and free people are equally valued by society and equally protected by the law and we will stop at nothing until we find those ways.

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Woman II Woman, Inc is a service and a community for incarcerated women, created by formerly incarcerated women. Woman II Woman, Inc is a 501(C)(3) nonprofit registered in the US under EIN: 86-3146535.

Woman II Woman, Inc

P.O. Box 465 
Harbor City,CA 90710

(424) 410-2066

Copyright © 2022-2024 Woman II Woman Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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